
Concepts on how to make this page useful

My initial impulse was to make this a quarry (more like a strip-mine) for unsolicited advice on:
1. how to lessen the negative impact of being a human (being)
2. how to avoid the common pitfalls into which post-modern society threatens to toss us
3. contrarily, how to fully embrace and celebrate the hopelessly doomed world which we have created for ourselves

Certainly I do not imply that my advice is somehow better qualified or supported than the next person's. Rather this is meant as a mutually beneficial exercise. Once I have better formulated the purpose of this site, you will be given a pledge and I will launch on a mission. Weekly entries on finding meaning? Daily alerts on wasteful pursuits, or wasted energies? Monthly recaps on successful analrapy (analytic-therapy)?

For now, the central topic of Terrasitic Paraforms is: "HOW TO BE A BETTER TERRASITE"

There are those innate human traits we can combat, alter, even wholly transform, and there are those we cannot. I suspect that those we cannot are those we share with many non-human creatures, and those we can are those possessed by humans alone.

To be developed…

In the meantime:
Save the Internet!, especially if you love downloading things for free for which the copyright owners of such things would like you to pay for a limited, non-exclusive license. I want to get paid for things I don't deserve too. Maybe I should corrupt some form of art and mass market it to the, as yet, taste/opinion-challenged populace. How about large-screen LCD fine art screensaver subscriptions? I'll have football fans' wives gossiping about the latest Jeremy Blake movement in months.

Eat Whale Meat, Hippie! I love how perversely pervasive this discussion has become. If some whales are only as smart as sheep, is it okay to sustainably hunt those big dumb animals and eat them? We could selectively breed chimpanzees until they were as dumb as sheep and start eating them too. Or humans? Homo Stupidiens.

And it's not like we Americans are all that good at breeding anyway.

I'm scared of Dubai.

Brain trick of the day.

1 comment:

Joe said...


rethinking kids toys and consumer electronics- in material, usage, and product aesthetic. I love the form- reflects the wheel to kinetically charge, looks like a flower when docked, and is a viewfinder when in use. Totally different; totally functional.

This is a step in the right direction.


this type of thing is a good start.